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Living Control — Multi-room System

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Living Control specialises in multi-room systems that provide music throughout a home. You select what you want to listen to in each room via elegant light switch sized panels called DisplayPads, operated using just three push buttons and a display which shows information about the source, such as the album name or radio station.

Human-Computer Interface developed the design style for the documentation, and produced an installation guide, aimed at dealers installing the system for their customers, and a user guide, describing the day-to-day operation of the Multi-room System.

A recent addition to the system is a hard-disk based music server, called MusicBox, capable of storing many thousands of CDs together with album, artist, and track titles, which you can select from any zone via the DisplayPads.

For more information visit Living Control at:

Human-Computer Interface • 17 Signet Court • Swanns Road • Cambridge • CB5 8LA • England
Tel: +44 (0)1223 314934 • Fax: +44 (0)1223 462562